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II Open de Xadrez Terras de Trás-os-Montes 2021

Last update 03.09.2021 18:33:51, Creator/Last Upload: Nuno_Andrade

Player overview for CUB

7GMOrtiz Suarez Isan Reynaldo2545CUB11½½½01½054410-14,00
13IMMartinez Ramirez Lennis2458CUB11110½0116,58106,40
21IMLeon Valdes Jony Wilson2396CUB1½0½½11105,52810-16,90
38WGMHernandez Moya Yuleisy2262CUB10½½½11004,56620-12,00
63WFMDiaz Del Valle Laura Beatriz2076CUB10100½1½½4,58120-43,80

Results of the last round for CUB

Rd.Bo.No. NameRtgPts. ResultPts. NameRtg No.
IMMartinez Ramirez Lennis2458 1 - 0 IMLeon Valdes Jony Wilson2396
WFMDiaz Del Valle Laura Beatriz20764 ½ - ½4 Gomez Aguirre Juan Alberto1918
GMOrtiz Suarez Isan Reynaldo25455 0 not paired  
WGMHernandez Moya Yuleisy2262 0 not paired  

Player details for CUB

GM Ortiz Suarez Isan Reynaldo 2545 CUB Rp:2365 Pts. 5
179Fernandez Getino Oscar1953ESP3w 1101,10
244Ventura Bolet Alexandre2224ESP5s 1101,30
330FMFernandez Diaz Cristian2352ESP6w ½10-2,50
428FMAkhvlediani Irakli2359GEO6,5s ½10-2,40
529IMSieciechowicz Marcin2357POL6w ½10-2,40
624IMMoksh Amit Doshi2380IND6s 010-7,20
740FMSande Edreira Jose Antonio2246ESP4,5w 1101,50
834FMGomez Dieguez David2289ESP5s ½10-3,10
9-not paired- --- 0
IM Martinez Ramirez Lennis 2458 CUB Rp:2480 Pts. 6,5
185Boudey Simon1907FRA3w 1101,10
250Grezels Florian2172FRA5,5s 1101,60
336FMOrtin Blanco Inigo2283ESP5,5w 1102,70
46GMKorpa Bence2545HUN6s 1106,20
54GMGukesh D2578IND8w 010-3,40
622FMVeiga Jose Francisco R P Neves2389POR6s ½10-1,00
732FMJogstad Martin2334SWE6w 010-6,70
844Ventura Bolet Alexandre2224ESP5s 1102,10
921IMLeon Valdes Jony Wilson2396CUB5,5w 1104,10
IM Leon Valdes Jony Wilson 2396 CUB Rp:2177 Pts. 5,5
193Diaz Gomez Mateo1800ESP4,5w 1101,10
256WFMPrado Acebo Ines2130ESP5,5s ½10-3,20
354Lever Erwan2135FRA5w 010-8,20
462WFMSoubirou Oriane2078FRA5,5s ½10-3,70
584WCMSilva Mariana Sofia T.1907POR4,5s ½10-3,90
677WFMYugina Maria1974RUS4,5w 1101,10
745FMPrieto Aranguren Alain2220ESP5,5s 1102,70
849Moreno Royano Victor2175ESP5w 1102,20
913IMMartinez Ramirez Lennis2458CUB6,5s 010-4,10
WGM Hernandez Moya Yuleisy 2262 CUB Rp:2130 Pts. 4,5
1110Soares Sara Joana De Moura Pereira Me1566POR4,5s 1202,20
21GMGrigoryan Karen H.2658ARM6w 020-2,20
374Monteiro Paulo Alexandre G1985POR4,5s ½20-6,60
482Martins Guilherme Pires Tavares1929POR4,5w ½20-7,60
5-not paired- --- ½
689Sempere Domenech Abel1881ESP5s 1202,20
768Aledo Yanguas Javier2034ESP5w 1204,20
88GMMarin Mihail2510ROU6w 020-3,80
9-not paired- --- 0
WFM Diaz Del Valle Laura Beatriz 2076 CUB Rp:1734 Pts. 4,5
1137Afonso Filipe Alves0POR2w 1
229IMSieciechowicz Marcin2357POL6s 020-3,20
3103Belo Andre Nabais Moura1663POR3,5w 1202,20
434FMGomez Dieguez David2289ESP5s 020-4,60
5107Povshednyi Ivan1610ESP3,5w 020-17,80
699Abdurramane Danial Germano1697POR4,5s ½20-7,80
7106Lima Duarte1623POR3,5w 1202,20
8120Torres Ricardo Jorge Ferreira1445POR4s ½20-7,80
983Gomez Aguirre Juan Alberto1918ESP4,5w ½20-4,20