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Players with at least 4 points qualify for next stage

American World Cup Qualification Stage - FIDE World Cup 2021 Preliminary

Last update 13.05.2021 00:31:08, Creator/Last Upload: Federacion Uruguaya de Ajedrez (2)

Player overview for PAR

21FMAlmiron Antonio2366PAR1101½1½01615preliminary

Results of the last round for PAR

Rd.Bo.No. NameRtgPts. ResultPts. NameRtg No.
Arrieta Cristian1863 0 - 15 FMAlmiron Antonio2366

Player details for PAR

FM Almiron Antonio 2366 PAR Rp:2318 Pts. 6
176Lyn Christopher1767JAM4s 1
249Lage Pedro Ferreira2123BRA4,5w 1
31GMHoffman Alejandro2459URU6s 0
454WIMChirivi C Jenny Astrid2083COL5w 1
52IMMartinez Ramirez Lennis2459CUB5s ½
647FMSong Guannan Terry2145CAN4,5w 1
713IMValdes Romero Leonardo2402CRC6,5s ½
87IMSanchez Sebastian Felipe2434COL7w 0
968Arrieta Cristian1863COL5,5s 1