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Players with at least 4 points qualify for next stage

American World Cup Qualification Stage - FIDE World Cup 2021 Preliminary

Last update 13.05.2021 00:31:08, Creator/Last Upload: Federacion Uruguaya de Ajedrez (2)

Player overview for CHI

52Jaque Gutierrez Matias2094CHI101001100470preliminary
58CMAdasme Fredes Mauricio2026CHI0000111½03,581preliminary
65Reyes Mendoza Tomas1879CHI01101½1105,525preliminary
74Amigo Quintana Antu1788CHI0110010½14,556preliminary

Results of the last round for CHI

Rd.Bo.No. NameRtgPts. ResultPts. NameRtg No.
IMDuran Vega Sergio2340 1 - 0 Reyes Mendoza Tomas1879
Shaw Clifford04 1 - 04 Jaque Gutierrez Matias2094
CMAdasme Fredes Mauricio2026 0 - 14 IMDiaz Perez Michel Alejandro2459
Jordao Barbosa Marcio2183 0 - 1 Amigo Quintana Antu1788

Player details for CHI

Jaque Gutierrez Matias 2094 CHI Rp:1673 Pts. 4
1106Santamaria Meza Miguel Angel0MEX3s 1
222IMPanesso Rivera Henry2366COL5,5w 0
3100Maharaj Keshav1132TTO2s 1
49GMZapata Alonso2421COL6,5w 0
576Lyn Christopher1767JAM4s 0
681Brambilla Renee Blandy T.1671BRA3w 1
772Chin Eton1797JAM3s 1
829IMArias Santana Mauricio2291CRC5w 0
9103Shaw Clifford0CAY5s 0
CM Adasme Fredes Mauricio 2026 CHI Rp:1855 Pts. 3,5
1-not paired- --- 0
2-not paired- --- 0
3-not paired- --- 0
4-not paired- --- 0
595Medina Joshua1321TTO2,5w 1
691La Touche Cyprian1419BAR3s 1
788Grant Chevaughn1544JAM3w 1
874Amigo Quintana Antu1788CHI4,5s ½
93IMDiaz Perez Michel Alejandro2459CUB5w 0
Reyes Mendoza Tomas 1879 CHI Rp:2328 Pts. 5,5
111IMFarahat Ali2404USA6s 0
296Ly Fook Nicholas1223TTO0- 1K
329IMArias Santana Mauricio2291CRC5s 1
431FMCofre Archibold Nestor2279MEX5s 0
536FMCarbone Diego2234URU5w 1
641CMVazquez Facundo2199URU5,5w ½
740WIMCastrillon Gomez Melissa2201COL5,5s 1
825IMDuarte Leonardo2330ARG5w 1
924IMDuran Vega Sergio2340CRC6,5s 0
Amigo Quintana Antu 1788 CHI Rp:1979 Pts. 4,5
120FMPlotkin Victor2367CAN6w 0
2101Lashley Keon1059BAR3s 1
336FMCarbone Diego2234URU5w 1
435IMCueto Jonny2241BOL6s 0
541CMVazquez Facundo2199URU5,5s 0
692Claure Verastegui Rene David1402BOL3w 1
751Carcamo Matias2103ARG5s 0
858CMAdasme Fredes Mauricio2026CHI3,5w ½
945Jordao Barbosa Marcio2183BRA3,5s 1