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Players with at least 4 points qualify for next stage

American World Cup Qualification Stage - FIDE World Cup 2021 Preliminary

Last update 13.05.2021 00:31:08, Creator/Last Upload: Federacion Uruguaya de Ajedrez (2)

Player overview for CAN

8IMPlotkin Mark2430CAN11½1101117,52preliminary
20FMPlotkin Victor2367CAN1½½1½½½½1621preliminary
23FMTalukdar Rohan2341CAN1½11110106,54preliminary
32FMGedajlovic Max2270CAN½½½11010½540preliminary
39Bellissimo Joseph F.2203CAN1111½00½0531preliminary
47FMSong Guannan Terry2145CAN1½10100014,551preliminary
50IMBarron Michael2108CAN1½00101½0465preliminary

Results of the last round for CAN

Rd.Bo.No. NameRtgPts. ResultPts. NameRtg No.
FMDaggupati Balaji2389 0 - 1 IMPlotkin Mark2430
IMSanchez Sebastian Felipe24346 1 - 0 FMTalukdar Rohan2341
Bellissimo Joseph F.22035 0 - 15 Escobar Medina Andres F2298
FMJohnson Joshua2131 0 - 15 FMPlotkin Victor2367
FMMollo Jhoan2073 ½ - ½ FMGedajlovic Max2270
Mckennis Darren17354 1 - 04 IMBarron Michael2108
FMSong Guannan Terry2145 1 - 0 Flores Rodriguez Astrid Aphril1618

Player details for CAN

IM Plotkin Mark 2430 CAN Rp:2578 Pts. 7,5
162Hernandez Luis Crisanto1938ARG0- 1K
237FMChinchilla Miranda Eugenio2218CRC5w 1
343FMBlackman Justin2192BAR5s ½
427FMDel Castilho Martyn2304BAR5w 1
517IMAvila Pavas Santiago2373COL6,5s 1
66IMMolina Roberto Junio Brito2434BRA8,5w 0
719IMDella Morte German2368ARG6s 1
824IMDuran Vega Sergio2340CRC6,5w 1
914FMDaggupati Balaji2389USA6,5s 1
FM Plotkin Victor 2367 CAN Rp:2124 Pts. 6
174Amigo Quintana Antu1788CHI4,5s 1
247FMSong Guannan Terry2145CAN4,5w ½
351Carcamo Matias2103ARG5s ½
453WCMYan Ruiyang2093USA5s 1
535IMCueto Jonny2241BOL6w ½
643FMBlackman Justin2192BAR5w ½
796Ly Fook Nicholas1223TTO0s ½
855FMMollo Jhoan2073BOL5w ½
948FMJohnson Joshua2131TTO4,5s 1
FM Talukdar Rohan 2341 CAN Rp:2263 Pts. 6,5
177Jordan Valence1760JAM4w 1
279Mckennis Darren1735JAM5s ½
383Stephenson John1629JAM3,5w 1
468Arrieta Cristian1863COL5,5s 1
54IMBerdayes Ason Dylan Isidro2445CUB6,5w 1
639Bellissimo Joseph F.2203CAN5s 1
76IMMolina Roberto Junio Brito2434BRA8,5s 0
817IMAvila Pavas Santiago2373COL6,5w 1
97IMSanchez Sebastian Felipe2434COL7s 0
FM Gedajlovic Max 2270 CAN Rp:2088 Pts. 5
186Shaw Jaden1614JAM5s ½
225IMDuarte Leonardo2330ARG5w ½
367WFMGamboa Alvarado Olga Leticia1865CRC3,5s ½
461WFMSalazar Gould Melanie1961CRC3,5w 1
548FMJohnson Joshua2131TTO4,5s 1
69GMZapata Alonso2421COL6,5w 0
747FMSong Guannan Terry2145CAN4,5s 1
868Arrieta Cristian1863COL5,5w 0
955FMMollo Jhoan2073BOL5s ½
Bellissimo Joseph F. 2203 CAN Rp:2320 Pts. 5
193Ragoobar Keagan1345TTO2w 1
210IMFernandez Guillen Ernesto J.2411CUB6,5s 1
35IMRoselli Mailhe Bernardo2434URU6w 1
42IMMartinez Ramirez Lennis2459CUB5w 1
513IMValdes Romero Leonardo2402CRC6,5s ½
623FMTalukdar Rohan2341CAN6,5w 0
79GMZapata Alonso2421COL6,5s 0
816IMLopez Gonzalez Abel Fabian2379CUB5,5s ½
928Escobar Medina Andres F2298COL6w 0
FM Song Guannan Terry 2145 CAN Rp:2034 Pts. 4,5
1101Lashley Keon1059BAR3w 1
220FMPlotkin Victor2367CAN6s ½
324IMDuran Vega Sergio2340CRC6,5w 1
419IMDella Morte German2368ARG6w 0
527FMDel Castilho Martyn2304BAR5s 1
621FMAlmiron Antonio2366PAR6s 0
732FMGedajlovic Max2270CAN5w 0
886Shaw Jaden1614JAM5s 0
985Flores Rodriguez Astrid Aphril1618MEX3,5w 1
IM Barron Michael 2108 CAN Rp:1866 Pts. 4
1105Johnson-Bartlett Khaleel0JAM2,5s 1
219IMDella Morte German2368ARG6w ½
317IMAvila Pavas Santiago2373COL6,5s 0
415IMGemy Jose Daniel2380BOL4,5w 0
585Flores Rodriguez Astrid Aphril1618MEX3,5s 1
611IMFarahat Ali2404USA6w 0
7103Shaw Clifford0CAY5s 1
827FMDel Castilho Martyn2304BAR5w ½
979Mckennis Darren1735JAM5s 0