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Players with at least 4 points qualify for next stage

American World Cup Qualification Stage - FIDE World Cup 2021 Preliminary

Last update 13.05.2021 00:31:08, Creator/Last Upload: Federacion Uruguaya de Ajedrez (2)

Player overview for BRA

6IMMolina Roberto Junio Brito2434BRA1111111½18,51preliminary
45Jordao Barbosa Marcio2183BRA11½0010003,576preliminary
49Lage Pedro Ferreira2123BRA101011½004,554preliminary
81Brambilla Renee Blandy T.1671BRA00½1100½0394preliminary
87WCMDa Cunha Gabriela Goes1564BRA100001010391preliminary

Results of the last round for BRA

Rd.Bo.No. NameRtgPts. ResultPts. NameRtg No.
IMMolina Roberto Junio Brito2434 1 - 0 GMZapata Alonso2421
WIMCastrillon Gomez Melissa2201 1 - 0 Lage Pedro Ferreira2123
Jordao Barbosa Marcio2183 0 - 1 Amigo Quintana Antu1788
WFMRamirez Gonzalez Maria Jose17943 1 - 03 WCMDa Cunha Gabriela Goes1564
Mcdonald Jhustice-Dimonte1857 1 - 03 Brambilla Renee Blandy T.1671

Player details for BRA

IM Molina Roberto Junio Brito 2434 BRA Rp:2737 Pts. 8,5
159CMFiori Hector2015ARG5w 1
238IMVillegas Franco2210ARG6s 1
331FMCofre Archibold Nestor2279MEX5w 1
444Chaves Sanchez Gabriel A2190CRC5s 1
522IMPanesso Rivera Henry2366COL5,5w 1
68IMPlotkin Mark2430CAN7,5s 1
723FMTalukdar Rohan2341CAN6,5w 1
814FMDaggupati Balaji2389USA6,5s ½
99GMZapata Alonso2421COL6,5w 1
Jordao Barbosa Marcio 2183 BRA Rp:1966 Pts. 3,5
199Mahtani Rohit1189JAM3w 1
218IMOrdaz Valdes Lisandra Teresa2369CUB4,5s 1
312GMSlipak Sergio2402ARG6w ½
413IMValdes Romero Leonardo2402CRC6,5w 0
524IMDuran Vega Sergio2340CRC6,5s 0
683Stephenson John1629JAM3,5s 1
731FMCofre Archibold Nestor2279MEX5w 0
859CMFiori Hector2015ARG5s 0
974Amigo Quintana Antu1788CHI4,5w 0
Lage Pedro Ferreira 2123 BRA Rp:1965 Pts. 4,5
1104Elliott Danielle0JAM1- 1K
221FMAlmiron Antonio2366PAR6s 0
399Mahtani Rohit1189JAM3w 1
414FMDaggupati Balaji2389USA6,5s 0
589Richards Shaheem1451JAM4w 1
676Lyn Christopher1767JAM4w 1
725IMDuarte Leonardo2330ARG5s ½
819IMDella Morte German2368ARG6w 0
940WIMCastrillon Gomez Melissa2201COL5,5s 0
Brambilla Renee Blandy T. 1671 BRA Rp:1494 Pts. 3
127FMDel Castilho Martyn2304BAR5s 0
229IMArias Santana Mauricio2291CRC5w 0
396Ly Fook Nicholas1223TTO0s ½
4102Clark Tarquin1058BAR2w 1
5100Maharaj Keshav1132TTO2s 1
652Jaque Gutierrez Matias2094CHI4s 0
799Mahtani Rohit1189JAM3w 0
890Sookraj Druva1422TTO2,5w ½
969Mcdonald Jhustice-Dimonte1857JAM3,5s 0
WCM Da Cunha Gabriela Goes 1564 BRA Rp:1731 Pts. 3
133WIMMiranda Llanes Yerisbel2262CUB3,5s 1
215IMGemy Jose Daniel2380BOL4,5w 0
342FMMuniz Rafael2194URU4w 0
429IMArias Santana Mauricio2291CRC5s 0
556Vera Pavel2042BOL4,5s 0
6104Elliott Danielle0JAM1w 1
792Claure Verastegui Rene David1402BOL3s 0
894Stephenson Amy1339JAM3w 1
973WFMRamirez Gonzalez Maria Jose1794CRC4s 0