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Players with at least 4 points qualify for next stage

American World Cup Qualification Stage - FIDE World Cup 2021 Preliminary

Last update 13.05.2021 00:31:08, Creator/Last Upload: Federacion Uruguaya de Ajedrez (2)

Player overview for BOL

15IMGemy Jose Daniel2380BOL½101001014,561preliminary
35IMCueto Jonny2241BOL1011½011½616preliminary
55FMMollo Jhoan2073BOL1010101½½537preliminary
56Vera Pavel2042BOL010011½014,558preliminary
92Claure Verastegui Rene David1402BOL001010100385preliminary

Results of the last round for BOL

Rd.Bo.No. NameRtgPts. ResultPts. NameRtg No.
IMDella Morte German2368 ½ - ½ IMCueto Jonny2241
FMMollo Jhoan2073 ½ - ½ FMGedajlovic Max2270
Stephenson John1629 0 - 1 IMGemy Jose Daniel2380
WIMMiranda Llanes Yerisbel2262 0 - 1 Vera Pavel2042
Claure Verastegui Rene David14023 0 - 13 Jordan Valence1760

Player details for BOL

IM Gemy Jose Daniel 2380 BOL Rp:1957 Pts. 4,5
169Mcdonald Jhustice-Dimonte1857JAM3,5w ½
287WCMDa Cunha Gabriela Goes1564BRA3s 1
346FMCuri Gabriel2154URU4,5w 0
450IMBarron Michael2108CAN4s 1
544Chaves Sanchez Gabriel A2190CRC5w 0
659CMFiori Hector2015ARG5s 0
761WFMSalazar Gould Melanie1961CRC3,5w 1
848FMJohnson Joshua2131TTO4,5w 0
983Stephenson John1629JAM3,5s 1
IM Cueto Jonny 2241 BOL Rp:2261 Pts. 6
188Grant Chevaughn1544JAM3s 1
21GMHoffman Alejandro2459URU6w 0
370Lee Hayden1852TTO4s 1
474Amigo Quintana Antu1788CHI4,5w 1
520FMPlotkin Victor2367CAN6s ½
617IMAvila Pavas Santiago2373COL6,5w 0
759CMFiori Hector2015ARG5w 1
82IMMartinez Ramirez Lennis2459CUB5s 1
919IMDella Morte German2368ARG6s ½
FM Mollo Jhoan 2073 BOL Rp:2091 Pts. 5
13IMDiaz Perez Michel Alejandro2459CUB5w 1
228Escobar Medina Andres F2298COL6s 0
3107Smikle Zahmir0JAM2w 1
430FMSpata German2290ARG6s 0
5106Santamaria Meza Miguel Angel0MEX3w 1
616IMLopez Gonzalez Abel Fabian2379CUB5,5s 0
718IMOrdaz Valdes Lisandra Teresa2369CUB4,5w 1
820FMPlotkin Victor2367CAN6s ½
932FMGedajlovic Max2270CAN5w ½
Vera Pavel 2042 BOL Rp:1954 Pts. 4,5
12IMMartinez Ramirez Lennis2459CUB5s 0
288Grant Chevaughn1544JAM3w 1
34IMBerdayes Ason Dylan Isidro2445CUB6,5w 0
489Richards Shaheem1451JAM4s 0
587WCMDa Cunha Gabriela Goes1564BRA3w 1
694Stephenson Amy1339JAM3s 1
726GMPerez Rodriguez Luis Manuel2324CUB4,5w ½
840WIMCastrillon Gomez Melissa2201COL5,5w 0
933WIMMiranda Llanes Yerisbel2262CUB3,5s 1
Claure Verastegui Rene David 1402 BOL Rp:1732 Pts. 3
138IMVillegas Franco2210ARG6w 0
261WFMSalazar Gould Melanie1961CRC3,5s 0
371WCMClarke Adani1811JAM4w 1
473WFMRamirez Gonzalez Maria Jose1794CRC4s 0
575CMSears Frank1787TTO4,5w 1
674Amigo Quintana Antu1788CHI4,5s 0
787WCMDa Cunha Gabriela Goes1564BRA3w 1
857WIMHernandez Alvarez Tania Regla2041CRC4,5s 0
977Jordan Valence1760JAM4w 0