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Players with at least 4 points qualify for next stage

American World Cup Qualification Stage - FIDE World Cup 2021 Preliminary

Last update 13.05.2021 00:31:08, Creator/Last Upload: Federacion Uruguaya de Ajedrez (2)

Player overview for ARG

12GMSlipak Sergio2402ARG11½10½011617preliminary
19IMDella Morte German2368ARG1½111001½619preliminary
25IMDuarte Leonardo2330ARG0½111½½0½544preliminary
30FMSpata German2290ARG1011011½½614preliminary
38IMVillegas Franco2210ARG101101011613preliminary
51Carcamo Matias2103ARG1½½100101536preliminary
59CMFiori Hector2015ARG01½½½101½534preliminary
62Hernandez Luis Crisanto1938ARG0000000000107preliminary

Results of the last round for ARG

Rd.Bo.No. NameRtgPts. ResultPts. NameRtg No.
IMRoselli Mailhe Bernardo2434 ½ - ½ FMSpata German2290
IMDella Morte German2368 ½ - ½ IMCueto Jonny2241
IMArias Santana Mauricio22915 0 - 15 GMSlipak Sergio2402
FMBlackman Justin21925 0 - 15 IMVillegas Franco2210
IMDuarte Leonardo2330 ½ - ½ CMFiori Hector2015
Carcamo Matias21034 1 - 04 Richards Shaheem1451
Hernandez Luis Crisanto19380 0 not paired  

Player details for ARG

GM Slipak Sergio 2402 ARG Rp:2333 Pts. 6
166Moncada Correa Sara1869COL4,5s 1
241CMVazquez Facundo2199URU5,5w 1
345Jordao Barbosa Marcio2183BRA3,5s ½
443FMBlackman Justin2192BAR5w 1
519IMDella Morte German2368ARG6s 0
625IMDuarte Leonardo2330ARG5w ½
724IMDuran Vega Sergio2340CRC6,5s 0
851Carcamo Matias2103ARG5w 1
929IMArias Santana Mauricio2291CRC5s 1
IM Della Morte German 2368 ARG Rp:2329 Pts. 6
173WFMRamirez Gonzalez Maria Jose1794CRC4w 1
250IMBarron Michael2108CAN4s ½
348FMJohnson Joshua2131TTO4,5w 1
447FMSong Guannan Terry2145CAN4,5s 1
512GMSlipak Sergio2402ARG6w 1
61GMHoffman Alejandro2459URU6s 0
78IMPlotkin Mark2430CAN7,5w 0
849Lage Pedro Ferreira2123BRA4,5s 1
935IMCueto Jonny2241BOL6w ½
IM Duarte Leonardo 2330 ARG Rp:2024 Pts. 5
179Mckennis Darren1735JAM5w 0
232FMGedajlovic Max2270CAN5s ½
385Flores Rodriguez Astrid Aphril1618MEX3,5w 1
483Stephenson John1629JAM3,5s 1
546FMCuri Gabriel2154URU4,5w 1
612GMSlipak Sergio2402ARG6s ½
749Lage Pedro Ferreira2123BRA4,5w ½
865Reyes Mendoza Tomas1879CHI5,5s 0
959CMFiori Hector2015ARG5w ½
FM Spata German 2290 ARG Rp:2239 Pts. 6
184Guevara Milton1619HON4s 1
268Arrieta Cristian1863COL5,5w 0
366Moncada Correa Sara1869COL4,5s 1
455FMMollo Jhoan2073BOL5w 1
57IMSanchez Sebastian Felipe2434COL7s 0
663WFMCarreras Mendiolea Paulina Adri1906MEX4w 1
722IMPanesso Rivera Henry2366COL5,5s 1
81GMHoffman Alejandro2459URU6w ½
95IMRoselli Mailhe Bernardo2434URU6s ½
IM Villegas Franco 2210 ARG Rp:2218 Pts. 6
192Claure Verastegui Rene David1402BOL3s 1
26IMMolina Roberto Junio Brito2434BRA8,5w 0
376Lyn Christopher1767JAM4s 1
45IMRoselli Mailhe Bernardo2434URU6s 1
510IMFernandez Guillen Ernesto J.2411CUB6,5w 0
666Moncada Correa Sara1869COL4,5w 1
77IMSanchez Sebastian Felipe2434COL7s 0
864Diaz Charpentier Kristel Meliss1898CRC4w 1
943FMBlackman Justin2192BAR5s 1
Carcamo Matias 2103 ARG Rp:2104 Pts. 5
1107Smikle Zahmir0JAM2w 1
224IMDuran Vega Sergio2340CRC6,5s ½
320FMPlotkin Victor2367CAN6w ½
418IMOrdaz Valdes Lisandra Teresa2369CUB4,5s 1
514FMDaggupati Balaji2389USA6,5w 0
64IMBerdayes Ason Dylan Isidro2445CUB6,5s 0
774Amigo Quintana Antu1788CHI4,5w 1
812GMSlipak Sergio2402ARG6s 0
989Richards Shaheem1451JAM4w 1
CM Fiori Hector 2015 ARG Rp:2288 Pts. 5
16IMMolina Roberto Junio Brito2434BRA8,5s 0
290Sookraj Druva1422TTO2,5w 1
311IMFarahat Ali2404USA6s ½
416IMLopez Gonzalez Abel Fabian2379CUB5,5s ½
55IMRoselli Mailhe Bernardo2434URU6w ½
615IMGemy Jose Daniel2380BOL4,5w 1
735IMCueto Jonny2241BOL6s 0
845Jordao Barbosa Marcio2183BRA3,5w 1
925IMDuarte Leonardo2330ARG5s ½
Hernandez Luis Crisanto 1938 ARG Pts. 0
18IMPlotkin Mark2430CAN7,5- 0K
2-not paired- --- 0
3-not paired- --- 0
4-not paired- --- 0
5-not paired- --- 0
6-not paired- --- 0
7-not paired- --- 0
8-not paired- --- 0
9-not paired- --- 0