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IRT Rose Haddad de Xadrez STD 2021 ID CBX 5343 ID FIDE 255809

Last update 30.03.2021 14:54:35, Creator/Last Upload: BOLIVIAN FEDERATION OF CHESS

Starting rank list of players

15 Roman Josemar Cespedes2165597BRA1970Corumbá - MS
10Lopes Marcos Lazaro Dos Santos2165562BRA1896Ladário - MS
7Samaniego Diego Pinheiro22740066BRA1879Projeto Elite Chess
2Samaniego Silvio Cesar22743030BRA1833Projeto Elite Chess
13Arruda Gabriel Souza22700900BRA1449Corumbá - MS
9Cortez Jamilly MacielBRA0Escola Adventista
1De Almeida Caio Lucas VasconcelosBRA0E.M. Pedro Paulo de Medeiros
4De Oliveira Geovanna Ribeiro22761596BRA0Escola Tenir
8Delgado Larissa Sampaio22768939BRA0Projeto Elite Chess
3Figueiredo Roosevelt Israel2165538BRA0Corumbá - MS
6Gomes Pedro Lucas Borges Athayde22761632BRA0Escola Tenir
11Nunes Beatriz Proensa22776591BRA0Projeto Elite Chess
5Oliveira Arthur Ribeiro22781302BRA0Escola Tenir
12Placido Adriano da Silva22738215BRA0Ladário - MS
14Sahib Bruno AguilarBRA0Corumbá - MS