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Round 9 starting in 9:00
9 kolo pocinje u 9h
Board 1-50 playing in hotel Danubia, rest in Basketball Kamp Teo04 !!!
Table od 1-50 igraju u hotelu Danubija ostali u hali sportova Teodosic !!


Last update 30.06.2021 13:53:06, Creator/Last Upload: Chess Federation of central Serbia

Player overview for TUR

68CMOzkan Ervin2147TUR01½01½½½155022662026,20OPEN A
69Akbas Umut Ata2141TUR½0½111½015,535238340106,00OPEN A
71CMCaputcuoglu Zeki Berke2138TUR½0110½0003104214940-5,60OPEN A
72CMUnat Can Haktan2130TUR½010101115,53622514061,60OPEN A
82CMKorkmaz Necmettin2101TUR0100111015552111203,80OPEN A
102Erdogmus Yagiz Kaan1955TUR½½½01½111619230340138,80OPEN A
105Anacoglu Cisel1924TUR00½1000102,5120181140-53,20OPEN A
118Akin Yagiz Cinar1815TUR101½½1½½½5,530228740189,20OPEN A
125Yurdakul Didem Nuray1762TUR½0010½10148920022042,40OPEN A
48Sakmak Kutay1622TUR101111010612191740116,00OPEN B
63Ozsoy Idil Mira1349TUR010101½104,55115324037,20OPEN B
71Senel Hayri Beyhun1201TUR½½10½0½11539164340170,80OPEN B
93Sarman Sedat0TUR1½0010½0½3,570160100,00OPEN B
97Tufan Selim0TUR00101010038061700,00OPEN B

Results of the last round for TUR

Rd.Bo.No. NameRtgPts. ResultPts. NameRtg No.
FMKowalski Igor23225 - - +5 Erdogmus Yagiz Kaan1955
Akin Yagiz Cinar18155 ½ - ½5 Kosmas-Lekkas Dimitrios2186
Akbas Umut Ata2141 1 - 0 Papakonstantinou Dimitrios2251
FMStrugnell Carl2229 0 - 1 CMUnat Can Haktan2130
CMOzkan Ervin21474 1 - 04 FMKrasteva Beloslava2305
CMKorkmaz Necmettin21014 + - -4 CMMijatovic Dusan2202
CMCaputcuoglu Zeki Berke21383 - - + Mashchenko Tamila1754
Yurdakul Didem Nuray17623 1 - 03 Vujicic Dragisa1916
Rajveer Pinkesh Nahar1598 + - - Anacoglu Cisel1924
Garayev Sadig18056 1 - 06 Sakmak Kutay1622
Trifunovic Novica2006 1 - 0 Ozsoy Idil Mira1349
Senel Hayri Beyhun12014 1 - 04 Zivotic Milomir1588
Djuricic Ema03 ½ - ½3 Sarman Sedat0
Mitic Aleksandar0 + - -3 Tufan Selim0

Player details for TUR

CM Ozkan Ervin 2147 TUR Rp:2266 Pts. 5
11GMTer-Sahakyan Samvel2644ARM6,5w 00,08-0,0820-1,60
2104Radosavljevic Vukasin1927SRB1,5s 10,780,22204,40
321FMTadic Stefan2390SRB4,5w ½0,200,30206,00
434FMPasti Aron2318HUN6s 00,27-0,2720-5,40
5117Slavic Nikola1816SRB3w 10,880,12202,40
6102Erdogmus Yagiz Kaan1955TUR6s ½0,75-0,2520-5,00
716GMPap Misa2431SRB3,5w ½0,160,34206,80
835IMHasanzade Toghrul2317AZE4s ½0,280,22204,40
939FMKrasteva Beloslava2305BUL4w 10,290,712014,20
Akbas Umut Ata 2141 TUR Rp:2383 Pts. 5,5
12GMPetrosyan Manuel2625ARM5,5s ½0,080,424016,80
24GMPuranik Abhimanyu2589IND7w 00,08-0,0840-3,20
399Yeshchenko Uliana1991UKR3,5s ½0,70-0,2040-8,00
4112Petricenco Ana1885MDA3,5w 10,810,19407,60
529IMMarcetic Nikola2326SRB3w 10,260,744029,60
616GMPap Misa2431SRB3,5s 10,160,844033,60
723IMArsovic Goran2381SRB5w ½0,200,304012,00
825FMStukan Martin2376RUS5,5s 00,21-0,2140-8,40
947Papakonstantinou Dimitrios2251GRE4,5w 10,350,654026,00
CM Caputcuoglu Zeki Berke 2138 TUR Rp:2149 Pts. 3
14GMPuranik Abhimanyu2589IND7s ½0,080,424016,80
22GMPetrosyan Manuel2625ARM5,5w 00,08-0,0840-3,20
3110Vlahovic Ljubo1897SRB3s 10,800,20408,00
437GMDimitrov Vladimir2314BUL4,5w 10,270,734029,20
517GMAbergel Thal2420FRA5,5s 00,16-0,1640-6,40
687Koutlas Nikolaos2078GRE5w ½0,58-0,0840-3,20
741IMKlasan Vladimir2298SRB5w 00,29-0,2940-11,60
8120CMNurgaliyev Sauat1803KAZ4s 00,88-0,8840-35,20
9126Mashchenko Tamila1754UKR4,5- 0K
CM Unat Can Haktan 2130 TUR Rp:2251 Pts. 5,5
15GMPerunovic Milos2567SRB6w ½0,080,424016,80
212GMStrikovic Aleksa2469SRB5,5s 00,12-0,1240-4,80
3121Doraszelski Alexander1802GER2,5w 10,870,13405,20
421FMTadic Stefan2390SRB4,5s 00,18-0,1840-7,20
5124Jurisic Iskra1766SRB3w 10,900,10404,00
638FMKalogeris Ioannis2307GRE5,5s 00,27-0,2740-10,80
7128Vetokhina Sofia1706RUS3w 10,920,08403,20
837GMDimitrov Vladimir2314BUL4,5w 10,260,744029,60
953FMStrugnell Carl2229WLS4,5s 10,360,644025,60
CM Korkmaz Necmettin 2101 TUR Rp:2111 Pts. 5
116GMPap Misa2431SRB3,5w 00,12-0,1220-2,40
2117Slavic Nikola1816SRB3s 10,840,16203,20
348Zhukenov Aituar2241KAZ5w 00,31-0,3120-6,20
429IMMarcetic Nikola2326SRB3s 00,22-0,2220-4,40
5109Cuzovic Ognjen1902SRB2,5w 10,760,24204,80
6127Sustov Savva1710MDA3,5s 10,910,09201,80
759Pajcin Lav2187SRB4w 10,380,622012,40
844FMStankovic Ivan G2273SRB5s 00,27-0,2720-5,40
955CMMijatovic Dusan2202SRB4- 1K
Erdogmus Yagiz Kaan 1955 TUR Rp:2303 Pts. 6
137GMDimitrov Vladimir2314BUL4,5s ½0,100,404016,00
247Papakonstantinou Dimitrios2251GRE4,5w ½0,150,354014,00
353FMStrugnell Carl2229WLS4,5s ½0,170,334013,20
461Radisavljevic Dalibor2186SRB5,5w 00,21-0,2140-8,40
563Gagic Milan A2180SRB3s 10,220,784031,20
668CMOzkan Ervin2147TUR5w ½0,250,254010,00
767Petrovic Aleksa2158SRB5s 10,240,764030,40
856FMToncheva Nadya2201BUL5w 10,190,814032,40
932FMKowalski Igor2322POL5- 1K
Anacoglu Cisel 1924 TUR Rp:1811 Pts. 2,5
141IMKlasan Vladimir2298SRB5w 00,10-0,1040-4,00
266Horvat Damjan2167CRO3,5s 00,20-0,2040-8,00
3119WCMMaria Lia-Alexandra1810ROU3,5w ½0,66-0,1640-6,40
4121Doraszelski Alexander1802GER2,5s 10,670,334013,20
579Tyurin Artem2106RUS5,5w 00,26-0,2640-10,40
6128Vetokhina Sofia1706RUS3s 00,78-0,7840-31,20
7125Yurdakul Didem Nuray1762TUR4s 00,71-0,7140-28,40
8100Katic Goran1963SRB2w 10,450,554022,00
9131Rajveer Pinkesh Nahar1598IND3,5- 0K
Akin Yagiz Cinar 1815 TUR Rp:2287 Pts. 5,5
155CMMijatovic Dusan2202SRB4w 10,090,914036,40
236IMMarkovic Zoran S2315SRB5s 00,08-0,0840-3,20
359Pajcin Lav2187SRB4w 10,100,904036,00
449FMMaksimenko Viktor2239KAZ4,5w ½0,080,424016,80
548Zhukenov Aituar2241KAZ5s ½0,080,424016,80
621FMTadic Stefan2390SRB4,5s 10,080,924036,80
747Papakonstantinou Dimitrios2251GRE4,5w ½0,080,424016,80
828GMAbramovic Bosko2334SRB5,5s ½0,080,424016,80
960Kosmas-Lekkas Dimitrios2186GRE5,5w ½0,100,404016,00
Yurdakul Didem Nuray 1762 TUR Rp:2002 Pts. 4
1-not paired- --- ½
254Papadopoulos Panayotis2216GRE5s 00,08-0,0820-1,60
386Tancsa Tamas2087HUN4w 00,13-0,1320-2,60
4100Katic Goran1963SRB2s 10,240,762015,20
588Parkajic Branislav2078SRB3,5w 00,13-0,1320-2,60
675Rolic Gojko2118SRB2s ½0,110,39207,80
7105Anacoglu Cisel1924TUR2,5w 10,290,712014,20
877FMFurman Boris2114RUS4,5s 00,11-0,1120-2,20
9108Vujicic Dragisa1916BIH3w 10,290,712014,20
Sakmak Kutay 1622 TUR Rp:1917 Pts. 6
197Tufan Selim0TUR3w 1
225Milunovic Sasa1865SRB5,5s 00,20-0,2040-8,00
370Sirghii Alexandru1202MDA4w 10,920,08403,20
418Popov Jovan1931SRB4,5s 10,140,864034,40
527Bobusic Milan1822SRB5,5w 10,240,764030,40
623Mitrovic Stefan1887SRB6s 10,180,824032,80
72FMBrajic Miloje2137SRB6,5w 00,08-0,0840-3,20
86Rakic Miodrag2065SRB5w 10,080,924036,80
930Garayev Sadig1805AZE7s 00,26-0,2640-10,40
Ozsoy Idil Mira 1349 TUR Rp:1532 Pts. 4,5
112Arandjelovic Aleksandar Z1987SRB7,5w 00,08-0,0840-3,20
287Nikolic Lazar B0SRB1,5- 1K
336Jankovic Igor1765SRB4s 00,08-0,0840-3,20
492Ruzicic Jakov R0SRB3w 1
540Bjelanovic Nemanja1712SRB3,5s 00,10-0,1040-4,00
697Tufan Selim0TUR3w 1
744Jandric Ljubisa1644SRB4,5s ½0,150,354014,00
837Buzganovic Jovan1745SRB4,5w 10,080,924036,80
911Trifunovic Novica2006SRB5,5s 00,08-0,0840-3,20
Senel Hayri Beyhun 1201 TUR Rp:1643 Pts. 5
121Brankovan Mario1913SRB5,5w ½0,080,424016,80
237Buzganovic Jovan1745SRB4,5s ½0,080,424016,80
347Trajkovic Nada1630SRB3,5w 10,080,924036,80
427Bobusic Milan1822SRB5,5s 00,08-0,0840-3,20
518Popov Jovan1931SRB4,5w ½0,080,424016,80
69Golubovic Marko2022SRB5s 00,08-0,0840-3,20
743Bagas Ana1678SRB4,5w ½0,080,424016,80
831Petrovic Milan M1800SRB3,5s 10,080,924036,80
951Zivotic Milomir1588SRB4w 10,090,914036,40
Sarman Sedat 0 TUR Rp:1601 Pts. 3,5
144Jandric Ljubisa1644SRB4,5s 1
228Pilja Mile1812SRB5w ½
31Vlajkovic Goran2139SRB6,5s 0
452Strbac Dusan1573SRB4w 0
565Zikic Goran1342AUT4s 1
625Milunovic Sasa1865SRB5,5w 0
754Andric Nikola1511SRB4s ½
849Veljkovic Varvara1621SRB4w 0
976Djuricic Ema0SRB3,5s ½
Tufan Selim 0 TUR Rp:617 Pts. 3
148Sakmak Kutay1622TUR6s 0
267Markus Pavle1290SRB5w 0
3-bye- --- 1
466Milovanovic Jana1314SRB5s 0
579Ivanovic Novak M0SRB3w 1
663Ozsoy Idil Mira1349TUR4,5s 0
785Mijic Sara0SRB2,5w 1
854Andric Nikola1511SRB4w 0
986Mitic Aleksandar0SRB3,5- 0K