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Round 9 starting in 9:00
9 kolo pocinje u 9h
Board 1-50 playing in hotel Danubia, rest in Basketball Kamp Teo04 !!!
Table od 1-50 igraju u hotelu Danubija ostali u hali sportova Teodosic !!


Last update 30.06.2021 13:53:06, Creator/Last Upload: Chess Federation of central Serbia

Player overview for RUS

25FMStukan Martin2376RUS½1½11½0105,5242366200,60OPEN A
31FMVetokhin Savva2324RUS1½1½½01116,51224702035,80OPEN A
65FMEfremov Vladislav2173RUS1010½11½½5,53422304036,40OPEN A
77FMFurman Boris2114RUS01001½½1½4,568199620-24,40OPEN A
79Tyurin Artem2106RUS0½1011½1½5,53322734075,20OPEN A
90Yakimenko Alexander A.2058RUS0110000002123204920-2,00OPEN A
97Mulenko Alexander2009RUS1000000001130135220-26,20OPEN A
128Vetokhina Sofia1706RUS0½01010½0310919194074,40OPEN A

Results of the last round for RUS

Rd.Bo.No. NameRtgPts. ResultPts. NameRtg No.
FMStukan Martin2376 0 - 1 GMSedlak Nikola2519
FMVetokhin Savva2324 1 - 0 GMStrikovic Aleksa2469
GMPetrosyan Manuel26255 ½ - ½5 Tyurin Artem2106
FMEfremov Vladislav21735 ½ - ½5 GMAbramovic Bosko2334
FMMaksimenko Viktor22394 ½ - ½4 FMFurman Boris2114
Nemeth Zalan20553 1 - 03 Vetokhina Sofia1706
Yakimenko Alexander A.20582 0 not paired  
Mulenko Alexander20091 0 not paired  

Player details for RUS

FM Stukan Martin 2376 RUS Rp:2366 Pts. 5,5
191Nemeth Zalan2055IRL4s ½0,87-0,3720-7,40
278Skonnord Uno2112DEN3,5w 10,820,18203,60
351GMPopchev Milko2235BUL3,5s ½0,69-0,1920-3,80
465FMEfremov Vladislav2173RUS5,5w 10,760,24204,80
547Papakonstantinou Dimitrios2251GRE4,5s 10,670,33206,60
64GMPuranik Abhimanyu2589IND7w ½0,230,27205,40
78GMDamljanovic Branko2501SRB6,5s 00,33-0,3320-6,60
869Akbas Umut Ata2141TUR5,5w 10,790,21204,20
97GMSedlak Nikola2519SRB6,5w 00,31-0,3120-6,20
FM Vetokhin Savva 2324 RUS Rp:2470 Pts. 6,5
196Kandjolas Konstantin2017SRB3,5w 10,860,14202,80
283CMBoucquet Emile2100BEL4,5s ½0,78-0,2820-5,60
364CMJandric Damjan2175SRB4,5w 10,700,30206,00
45GMPerunovic Milos2567SRB6s ½0,200,30206,00
518IMAgmanov Zhandos2404KAZ6,5w ½0,390,11202,20
610IMKourkoulos-Arditis Stamatis2485GRE6,5s 00,29-0,2920-5,80
751GMPopchev Milko2235BUL3,5w 10,620,38207,60
843Fernandez Lledo Javier2281ESP4,5s 10,560,44208,80
912GMStrikovic Aleksa2469SRB5,5w 10,310,692013,80
FM Efremov Vladislav 2173 RUS Rp:2230 Pts. 5,5
1128Vetokhina Sofia1706RUS3w 10,920,08403,20
227FMGasimov Parviz2341AZE5s 00,28-0,2840-11,20
3123Phatak Aanjaneya1769IND4,5w 10,920,08403,20
425FMStukan Martin2376RUS5,5s 00,24-0,2440-9,60
594Sapenov Daniyal2034KAZ5,5w ½0,69-0,1940-7,60
696Kandjolas Konstantin2017SRB3,5s 10,710,294011,60
735IMHasanzade Toghrul2317AZE4w 10,310,694027,60
823IMArsovic Goran2381SRB5s ½0,230,274010,80
928GMAbramovic Bosko2334SRB5,5w ½0,290,21408,40
FM Furman Boris 2114 RUS Rp:1996 Pts. 4,5
111IMMakhnev Denis2480KAZ7s 00,10-0,1020-2,00
2108Vujicic Dragisa1916BIH3w 10,760,24204,80
340FMRistic Luka2300SRB5,5s 00,26-0,2620-5,20
4129Marsh James J1679USA4,5w 00,92-0,9220-18,40
5112Petricenco Ana1885MDA3,5s 10,790,21204,20
6122Mihailova Alina1795MDA3,5w ½0,87-0,3720-7,40
7113Muskinja Luka1876SRB3,5s ½0,80-0,3020-6,00
8125Yurdakul Didem Nuray1762TUR4w 10,890,11202,20
949FMMaksimenko Viktor2239KAZ4,5s ½0,330,17203,40
Tyurin Artem 2106 RUS Rp:2273 Pts. 5,5
113IMRaja Harshit2459IND6,5s 00,11-0,1140-4,40
2110Vlahovic Ljubo1897SRB3w ½0,77-0,2740-10,80
3120CMNurgaliyev Sauat1803KAZ4s 10,860,14405,60
444FMStankovic Ivan G2273SRB5w 00,28-0,2840-11,20
5105Anacoglu Cisel1924TUR2,5s 10,740,264010,40
637GMDimitrov Vladimir2314BUL4,5w 10,230,774030,80
733FMSterck Arno2319BEL5s ½0,230,274010,80
848Zhukenov Aituar2241KAZ5w 10,320,684027,20
92GMPetrosyan Manuel2625ARM5,5s ½0,080,424016,80
Yakimenko Alexander A. 2058 RUS Rp:2049 Pts. 2
124FMMilosevic Milos2377SRB4,5s 00,13-0,1320-2,60
2124Jurisic Iskra1766SRB3w 10,850,15203,00
346FMVajdic Nikola2258SRB2,5s 10,240,762015,20
447Papakonstantinou Dimitrios2251GRE4,5w 00,25-0,2520-5,00
558WIMRakshitta Ravi2190IND4,5s 00,32-0,3220-6,40
656FMToncheva Nadya2201BUL5w 00,31-0,3120-6,20
7-not paired- --- 0
8-not paired- --- 0
9-not paired- --- 0
Mulenko Alexander 2009 RUS Rp:1352 Pts. 1
130FMSamunenkov Ihor2324UKR0- 1K
233FMSterck Arno2319BEL5w 00,14-0,1420-2,80
349FMMaksimenko Viktor2239KAZ4,5s 00,21-0,2120-4,20
455CMMijatovic Dusan2202SRB4s 00,25-0,2520-5,00
5115Duquesne Julien1849FRA3,5w 00,71-0,7120-14,20
6109Cuzovic Ognjen1902SRB2,5- 0K
7-not paired- --- 0
8-not paired- --- 0
9-not paired- --- 0
Vetokhina Sofia 1706 RUS Rp:1919 Pts. 3
165FMEfremov Vladislav2173RUS5,5s 00,08-0,0840-3,20
293Bojanic Denis2047SRB2w ½0,120,384015,20
387Koutlas Nikolaos2078GRE5s 00,10-0,1040-4,00
4110Vlahovic Ljubo1897SRB3w 10,250,754030,00
578Skonnord Uno2112DEN3,5s 00,08-0,0840-3,20
6105Anacoglu Cisel1924TUR2,5w 10,220,784031,20
772CMUnat Can Haktan2130TUR5,5s 00,08-0,0840-3,20
889Tonic Milos2073SRB3w ½0,100,404016,00
991Nemeth Zalan2055IRL4s 00,11-0,1140-4,40