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Torneio Nacional de Mestres 2020 Hotel Omali Sao Tome

Last update 29.03.2021 18:03:28, Creator: Portuguese Chess Federation (Licence 49),Last Upload: Portuguese Chess Federation (Licence 22)

Starting rank list of players

2CMLima Osvaldo Dos Santos14306352STP1706Torre D`Avenida
7Rita Jose16900057STP1702Torre D`Avenida
8Espirito Santo Waldyr16900049STP1695Vila Maria
5Cravid Abdulazis16900030STP1691Invictus
6Rita Jeronimo Bastos16900227STP1670Cluxa- st
1Da Costa Paulo Jorge16900243STP1653Montalegre
3Nascimento Admilton De Ceita Dos Santos16900120STP1564Cluxa- st
4Semedo Adelino1951165STP1410Invictus