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DSB-Frauenkader-Challenge 2021

Last update 11.04.2021 14:54:42, Creator/Last Upload: GJO

Starting rank list of players

6IMPähtz Elisabeth4641833GER24672476USV TU Dresden
4WGMHeinemann Josefine12900460GER22962314SC Viernheim 1934
8WIMSieber Fiona12902373GER22752273SG Aufbau Elbe Magdeburg
7WGMLubbe Melanie4690745GER22742274SF Neuberg
2WIMSchneider Jana12924997GER22722267SC Bavaria Regensburg von 1881
3WIMMütsch Annmarie12971367GER22662272SC Viernheim 1934
5WFMZiegenfuß Antonia12962554GER21012087OSG Baden-Baden
1WCMBashylina Luisa12983292GER19781948SG Solingen