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Orsha 2021 Tournament F (IM FIDE)

Last update 14.04.2021 16:41:10, Creator/Last Upload: BELARUS CHESS FEDERATION

Starting rank list of players

1IMAlekseev Vadim13500457BLR2340
10IMNovitzkij Dmitrij13500619BLR2324
3FMKononenko Dmitry14113538UKR2322
4WIMAfonasieva Anna24173606RUS2270
2GMNaumkin Igor4101715RUS2264
6WIMSmirnova Ekaterina4110943RUS2239
9FMStribuk Artiom13515659BLR2228
7Shkalov Oleg4168399RUS2170
5Nazarov Denis54178673RUS2157
8WFMMkrtchyan Mariam13310828ARM2127