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Campionatele Nationale de sah pentru juniori si tineret 2021- F20

Darrera actualització13.04.2021 12:32:31, Creador/Darrera càrrega: Romanian Chess Federation (Licence 12)

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Rànquing inicial

1WFMAciu Malina-Andreea1240323ROU2091Lps Satu Mare
2WFMNastase Andreea-Cristina1221183ROU2071Clubul Central De Sah Bucurest
3WCMBucur Denisa-Andreea1238019ROU2063Cs Dinamo Bucuresti
4AFMParaschiv Petronela-Alexandra1233696ROU1982Csu Universitatea De Vest Timisoara
5WCMPelin Ana-Maria1232916ROU1932Cs Dinamo Bucuresti
6WCMNistor Valentina1226878ROU1899Cs Petrolul Ploiesti
7WCMPanainte Andreea-Bianca1225561ROU1872Csm Bucuresti
8IPopa Catalina-Elena1244477ROU1820Cs Universitar Ploiesti
9WCMBalan Briana-Cleopatra1237551ROU1771Lps Satu Mare
10ICristocea Gabriela1267361ROU1757Css Nr. 1 Timisoara
11WCMSchiopu Andreea-Alexandra1238639ROU1663Csm Bucuresti
12IAndres Marina-Corina1257145ROU1644Csm Galati
13IIMos Maria-Magdalena1231561ROU1517Cs Petrolul Ploiesti