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Campionatele Nationale de sah pentru juniori si tineret 2021- F18

Last update 13.04.2021 13:30:02, Creator/Last Upload: Romanian Chess Federation (Licence 12)

Starting rank list of players

2WFMLehaci Miruna-Daria1234765ROU2188Csm Iasi 2020
10WFMCiolacu Alessia-Mihaela1252640ROU2052Clubul Central de Sah Bucuresti
1WCMAnghel Maria1239040ROU1918Css Palatul Copiilor Constanta
7ICovrig Larisa-Raluca1246437ROU1692Lps Satu Mare
9ILupascu Diana-Elena1232177ROU1668Csm Iasi 2020
4IRata Anamaria1245350ROU1666Csm Ploiesti
3WCMPatru Alexandra-Ioana1248243ROU1656Cs Universitar Ploiesti
6IINistor Gabriela1232460ROU1532Cs Petrolul Ploiesti
8IIMarin Alexia-Iuliana1241346ROU1307Cs Universitar Ploiesti
5IIRadulescu Monica-Georgiana1255584ROU1287Cs Sinandrei