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Campionatele Nationale de sah pentru juniori si tineret 2021- U20

Last update 13.04.2021 12:37:13, Creator/Last Upload: Romanian Chess Federation (Licence 12)

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1FMTalu Mircea413022112233562386U20Css Viitorul Cluj-Napoca
2FMStoleriu George424028812275052349U20Cs Politehnica Iasi
3FMIleana George401024812195022344U20Cs Tinerii Maestri Bucuresti
4CMNastore Pavel-Alexandru400239612550022256U14Acs Pheonix Buzau
5CMAnghelus Alin-Gabriel432030312333862230U20Lps Satu Mare
6IOlariu Luca-Stefan400233412525932144U18Cs Universitar De Sah Bucurest
7FMCalin Alexandru400076712229612107U20Cs Tinerii Maestri Bucuresti
8CMPadurariu Mihai-Edward435013512348112084U18Cs Universitatea Targoviste
9IStefan Mihai400149112364742077U20Cs Universitar Ploiesti
10IAlbu George424051112371282050U20Cs Politehnica Iasi
11IIlonczai Levente-David432020512301902044U20Lps Satu Mare
12AIMParaschiv Paul-Alexandru437038112336882031U20Csc Ghiroda Si Giarmata Vii
13ISzocs Teodor-Iulian431041912268602013U20Csm Ploiesti
14FMFluerariu Radu-Cristian425008712187271985U20Cs Universitar "a.S.E." Bucure
15IIChipaila Cristian-Florin418052012618861577U20Csm Galati
16IICruceru-Uceanu Tudor-Mihai400310212668961546U12Cs Otopeni