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7th 4NCL Online Congress Open

Last update 26.04.2021 19:48:15, Creator/Last Upload: 4NCL

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Starting rank list

1Finn PeterENG2204
2FMChapman Terry PDENG2188
3Davison ChrisENG2157
4Smith SimonENG2099
5Moyse Nigel JWLS1972
6Truman Richard GENG1972
7Zheng Harry ZENG1970
8Fowler HugoWLS1952
9Shepley Julien MENG1941
10Littlehales AlexanderENG1932
11Pichugov AndreyENG1930
12Hammond BenjaminENG1909
13Smyth KevinENG1887
14Gordon SeanENG1878
15Smith Mark PENG1876
16Rothwell James PENG1874
17Cordova Lopez Diego AntonENG1833
18Bush IanENG1828
19Kumar SohamENG1816
20Kuznecova MarijaLAT1809
21Southcott-Moyers IndyENG1803
22Cole Graham LENG1798
23Li Ethan BingxuanENG1770
24Johnson Paul AENG1729
25Steiners EmilsLAT1728
26Hertog AlexanderENG1723
27Maton EmilyENG1712
28Lawrence SpencerENG1697
29Gordon FrederickSCO1682
30Croucher BarryENG1634
31Gallagher DominicENG1632
32Hany Kamal MohamedEGY1590