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7th 4NCL Online Congress Under 1700

Last update 26.04.2021 19:48:55, Creator/Last Upload: 4NCL

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Starting rank list

1Marston Alastair JDENG1685
2Harley TrevorSCO1617
3Randall GrantENG1589
4Cox JohnENG1585
5Brightley-Davies CiaranENG1569
6O'sullivan ChristopherIRL1566
7Bazan MateuszENG1559
8Gaudeau AlainENG1557
9Sreeram YashasviniENG1547
10Swamy AnshulWLS1547
11Bamford PaulENG1541
12Sagar AneeshENG1525
13Vernon Colin GENG1525
14Richards Maurice AENG1523
15Ball Katie CENG1516
16Katkar AniruddhaENG1516
17Orman JoshuaENG1512
18Baguley JohnENG1508
19Lappin Kieran AENG1507
20Fancourt Leslie JENG1503
21Mottram PaulENG1495
22Shaughnessy Phillip JENG1491
23Farahmandpour EhsanENG1489
24Smith HugoENG1488
25Kapur GulENG1486
26Vallejo EldonENG1474
27Rao ShreeENG1466
28Ball Charlie JENG1452
29Maton James JENG1446
30Rebbeck ChristopherENG1437
31Constable Christine FENG1432
32Sandhu SandeepENG1431
33Upton W E (Bill)ENG1431
34Hylands Keith AENG1422
35Peach Clifford BENG1419
36Siddle MichaelENG1419
37Stewart GeoffENG1419
38Matilal Tamal KENG1405
39Comish GaryENG1400
40Kumar SatyamENG1378
41Russo GiovanniENG1366
42Barry SuzanneIRL1352
43Bird MaxENG1350
44Hariharan ShambaviENG1256
45Gao AlexENG1013