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Tournoi de la Francophonie Mars 2021

Seinast dagført20.03.2021 18:22:46, Creator/Last Upload: Burundi chess federation

Search for player Leita


1Derain JeremieBDI1900
2Muheto DieudonneBDI1900
3Ntamatungiro WilfriedBDI1900
4Ingabire Alain- MichelBDI1800
5Ntagasigumwami DeoBDI1800
6Ryumeko GilbertBDI1800
7Cibutso FleuryBDI1700
8Iyamuremye WelcomeBDI1700
9Niyonzima DeborahBDI1650
10 Niyozima JosueBDI1650
11Bonthala ShilpaBDI1600
12Irabaruta FreemanBDI1600
13Iradukunda DarleneBDI1600
14Mukiza Frank FernandBDI1600
15Nahimana ChristianBDI1600
16Arakaza Abdoul WadoudBDI1500
17Iradukunda JospinBDI1500
18Poornima PerakamBDI1500
19Bonthala LakshmiBDI1400
20Perakam ShradhaBDI1200