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Circuito CBX 2011 Norma MI - etapa Natal

Last update 01.09.2011 19:43:25, Creator/Last Upload: Maximo Igor Macedo

Starting rank list of players

2IMRodi Luis Ernesto101710ARG24162416
1IMPerdomo Leandro109746ARG23842384
3IMStamenkovic Dragan920754SRB23832383
10FMBarreto Filho Carlos Alberto2109719BRA23142314
9FMMacedo Maximo Iack2109972BRA23092309
5FMCavalcanti Francisco De Assis2100142BRA22912291
7Silveira Filho Neri Da Silva2106493BRA22372237
8FMMolina Jorge3300161BOL21872187
6FMPinto Carlos Henrique Lopes2101378BRA20982098
4FMMacedo Maximo Valerio2102307BRA20722072