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BICA Chess Tournament Girls U20

Last update 21.03.2021 10:33:31, Creator/Last Upload: Bechir MESSAOUDI

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Starting rank list

1Ayed Ranim5505283TUN1372CISA
2Guidara Rawia5506697TUN1372Ac Sfax
3Haouas Zeineb5503426TUN1334C Msaken
4Ben Brahem Emna5513928TUN1174TBE
5Baklouti Fatma5522943TUN0TBE
6Ben Said Imen5503396TUN0ADEB
7Chbil Chaima5520592TUN0Ac Jammel
8Chalghoumi Anoire5529352TUN0ADEB
9Gassara Hend5529360TUN0E. E. Kef
10Kharbech Lamis5522951TUN0TBE
11Khchimi Nour elhouda5529379TUN0ADEB