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'Bhaktapur Municipality' Inter Municipality Team Chess Tournament 2077

Last update 16.03.2021 16:15:22, Creator/Last Upload: Nepal Chess Association

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Final Ranking after 7 Rounds

Rk.SNoTeamGames  +   =   -  TB1  TB2 
11Hetauda Sub Metropolitan City76101319
23Lalitpur Metropolitan City75111118,5
34Kathmandu Metropolitan City75111118
45Damak Municipality74211019,5
510Mechinagar Municipality7322815,5
66Gokarneshwor Municipality7241815
720Nagarjun Municipality6303812
87Bhaktapur Municipality B7313717
99Tokha Municipality7313716
102Bhimeshwor Municipality7313715
118Bhaktapur Municipality A7313710,5
1216Dharan Sub Metropolitan City621379,5
1311Suryabinayak Municipality7223613,5
1413Tarkeshwor Municipality6123610,5
1518Budhanilkantha Municipality612368,5
1614Banepa Municipality620468
1717Madhyapur Thimi Municipaltiy6114511
1812Godawori Municipality721459
1915Pokhara Metropolitan City600626
2019Rajbiraj Municipality000000
21Bidur Municipaity000000
22Butwal Sub Metropolitan City000000

Tie Break1: Matchpoints (2 for wins, 1 for Draws, 0 for Losses)
Tie Break2: points (game-points)