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Ibrahim Shamieh Blitz Tournament

Last update 21.03.2021 13:51:40, Creator/Last Upload: aelhabboub

Starting rank list of players

9FMEl Jawich Amro5300380LBN2316
12FMKassis Antoine5300150LBN2179
2FMNajjar Ahmad5300100LBN2153
4CMEl Mahmoud Abdulaziz5300401LBN2140
11CMAl Kaoury Mahdi5302803LBN2137
8Sarhan Wahid7606168SYR1909
3Habash Mohamad5303486LBN1827
5Khallouf Abdallah5303656LBN1785
10Arkadan Adib5304946LBN1610
1Assaad Joe5310504LBN1584
6Khoder Akram5306914LBN1566
7Salman Samer5307503LBN1514