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Four Seasons Chess Tournamnets (8) Group A

Last update 14.03.2021 18:23:09, Creator/Last Upload: Ahmed-Sharata

Starting rank list of players

9AMER Mokhtar9200010LBA2023
8ALSHAREEF Alla Aldean Othman9210660LBA1931
4FTIEES Salah9201564LBA1855
2AL-AREEFI Jamal9202218LBA1848
6BUKSHAIM Abdalsalam9208739LBA1816
1ZENHOM Mohamed Hassan10619925EGY1768
3FARANKA Khaled9200142LBA1748
5JEYASHI Salah Ali9214666LBA1573
7LAGHA Moftah Ali9214470LBA1511