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Kireka Rapid Select

Last update 27.02.2021 19:26:31, Creator/Last Upload: ugandachess

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Starting rank list

1Mukuye Ivan10004076UGA1955Comrades CC
2Mande Allan Benjamin10005013UGA1897Chess Dynasty CC
3Muwanguzi David10001158UGA1882Kireka CC
4Mukose Emmanuel10005056UGA1796Kireka CC
5Abdullahi Garba Haruna10014411UGA1752Mulago Rooks CC
6Pido Edwin10008152UGA1262U20Royal Knights CC
7Ajiri Benjamin Netanyahu10013385UGA0U20No Club
8Ajiri Nygaard10014420UGA0U20No Club
9Bitarinsa Arthur10007709UGA0Mulago Rooks CC
10Egesa Emmanuel10009019UGA0Dmark CC
11Emojong Joel10001654UGA0Crestals CC
12Mugisha David10005030UGA0Kireka CC
13Musasizi Emmanuel10004084UGA0MUK CC
14Okiring Fred10005641UGA0Kireka CC