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2021 UniFiji-FCF Rapid Chess Championship

Senast uppdaterad10.04.2021 12:45:26, Creator/Last Upload: Fiji Chess Federation

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1CMKumar Manoj11400064FIJ1935
2CMAdricula Noel A11400234FIJ1645
3Prakash Prashil11400692FIJ1505
4Prasad Ravikesh11401087FIJ1383
5Kollabathula Leela Ramesh11402660FIJ1334
6Chand Shayneel11402261FIJ1213
7Prasad Navisheel11402326FIJ1122
8Corpuz Ricardo Gregorio Iii11402229FIJ1092
9Chandra Nisheel Vignesh11402199FIJ1090
10Corpuz Ricardo Luis Iv11402237FIJ1076
11Sant Rajnesh11402202FIJ1076
12Corpuz Luisa11402253FIJ1071
13Nadan Raymond11402474FIJ1060
15Gogoi Mercy Hazarika11402369FIJ933
16Corpuz Paul Anthony11402245FIJ906
17Guan John11402652FIJ888
18Magnifico Jayden Albert11402679FIJ842
19Magnifico Jordan John11402687FIJ770
20Gogoi Arohan Hazarika11402377FIJ255
21Ahmed Shazia ShahnaazFIJ0
22Byeongkyu Lee11402318FIJ0
23Chand Pavitra11402270FIJ0
24Joshi Bhaviek AnilFIJ0
25Xing Yi fanFIJ0
26Lata Joshika11402300FIJ0
27Lee JusungFIJ0
28Magnifico JohnFIJ0
29Naidu NickilFIJ0
30Natawake UlaiyasiFIJ0
31Park Eun SooFIJ0
32Ruria NikaiFIJ0
33Sharma KinjalFIJ0
34Singh AaronFIJ0
35Vinod TishaFIJ0
36Tena TangimataiFIJ0