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Sol Plaatje Juniors II (U18)

Last update 20.02.2021 15:43:36, Creator/Last Upload: Warren Ahjum

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Starting rank list

1WCMAhjum Savannah14320231RSA14571344U16
2Mothata Omaatla Aobakwe14331322RSA10751245U16
3Ahjum Kristen14320657RSA10611204U14
4Murphy Migael14348616RSA0956U12
5Ahjum Jordan14330997RSA0942U16
6Ferris Mackayla14348322RSA0863U14
7Murphy Martiz14348624RSA0811U12
8Khatlhane Lesedi Gift14348586RSA0760U18
9Mokapane Siyabulela14348381RSA0746U12
10Mokgoro Amogelang14348594RSA00U14
11Moloto Tlhompo14348608RSA00U18
12Smiles Leago14348578RSA00U16