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Iran Girls U18 Championships(Final) دختران زیر 18 سال (فینال)

Last update 22.02.2021 23:47:59, Creator/Last Upload: Iran Chess-Federation (Licence 80)

Starting rank list of players

8WFMZahedifar Anahita12560715IRI2213archess2
15WFMMahdian Anousha12571490IRI2212Xanoushx_x
13Behzad Nazif Parva12563790IRI2051GainfulDot
16WFMSebt Rasoul Seyede Setare12582794IRI2012Stre_sebt
6Jalali Saba22515682IRI1985sbajj
7Nadernia Nikta12576697IRI1775Niktanadernia
2Moazedi Keyana22535241IRI1732keyana2041
11Talaneh Motahareh22508040IRI1618motahareh12
4Ahmadi Seyedeh Malihe22520490IRI1617malihe-ahmadi
5Rahimi Panteha22500766IRI1588pani_r83
9Karami Tina22547711IRI1433saraw2
10Fakhim Ghanbarnezhad Rozhina22515402IRI1419RealSaber
1Goudarzi Navisa12577847IRI1417nsnm
3Hamed Hajipour Kimia22541420IRI1361kimia9833
14Goharchin Ghazal22562141IRI1274ghazal_82
12Moradi Ayda32716010IRI0Ayda_81