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IX Abierto Internacional Ayuntamiento de Mondariz

Last update 10.09.2011 17:43:20, Creator: Spanish Chess Federation (Licence 315),Last Upload: Heinz Herzog

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Starting rank

1Guerra VictorPOR2193
2Leiros Vila AvelinoESP2189GAL
3Sanchez Quiroga Miguel AngelESP2171CTL
4Villalonga Coll JaumeESP2166BAL
5Alonso Martinez TomasESP2139GAL
6Teijeiro Barros AlbertoESP2132GAL
7Haak EelcoNED2224CTL
8Rodriguez Boado MartinESP2123GAL
9Megias Chafer AlejandroESP2111VAL
10Gonzalez Roca PabloESP2071GAL
11Martins David Pires TavaresPOR2063
12De Sousa Da Silva ArmandoPOR2010
13Saboride Bua JorgeESP2008GAL
14Henriquez Garcia DavidESP2001CAN
15Rodriguez Vignote JavierESP1971MAD
16Gomez Dieguez DavidESP1968GAL
17Vicente Joao Vasco ReisPOR1957
18Cano Cabanillas JavierESP1954EXT
19Otero Nogueira BraisESP1952GAL
20Lesteiro Lores Manuel RaulESP1940GAL
21Margarido Ricardo Emanuel TorrPOR1926
22Salgado Gonzalez JulioESP1895GAL
23Bello Filgueira Joaquin AntonioESP1894GAL
24Silva Antonio Araujo DaPOR1892
25Monteiro Jose MacedoPOR1889
26Bouza-Brey Teijeiro GonzaloESP1877GAL
27Iglesias Garcia JorgeESP1872GAL
28Klaversteijn Sozzo Juan MartinESP1872GAL
29Alvarez Dominguez BreixoESP1862GAL
30Fernandez Andrade AntonioESP1862GAL
31Merayo Lopez AbrahamESP1824CAT
32Suarez Gomez JulioESP1819GAL
33Carreira Casais AnxoESP1817GAL
34Perez Dominguez DavidESP1804GAL
35Torrado Bea RamonESP1790GAL
36Prol Lusquinos Jose ManuelESP1766GAL
37Rodriguez Tojeira Jose AngelESP1749GAL
38Guerra Arrocha DanielESP1733CAN
39Teles Paulo SergioPOR1720
40Pardo Vaquero IgnacioESP1713MAD
41Belsley AlexandrePOR1705
42Fernandez Rey JorgeESP1699GAL
43Gomez Dieguez AdrianESP1698GAL
44Andrade Nuno FilipePOR1690
45Martins Guilherme Pires TavarePOR1646
46Villavicencio Sanchez PedroESP1600CAN
47Carballo Cancela ManuelESP1575GAL
48Lorenzo Dieguez ManuelESP1546GAL
49Lago Carballo CarmenESP1533GAL
50Pozo Vinuesa ElenaESP1516CAN
51Alvarez Dominguez LuaESP1507GAL
52Pozo Vinuesa PedroESP1499CAN
53Represa Perez MireyaESP1446GAL
54Sio Areal ManuelESP1438GAL
55Lopez Carballal AlonsoESP1429GAL
56Pozo Vinuesa AnaESP1401CAN
57Silva Mariana Sofia TPOR1377
58Pena Aragon SergioESP1336CAN
59Costa AndrePOR1321
60Fernandez Mira AlonsoESP1252VAL
61Lopez Carballal SergioESP1227GAL
62Alvarez Rodriguez FranciscoESP0GAL
63Fintineru Seuleanu AntonioESP0MAD
64Miquel Juan MarceloESP0VAL
65Veiga Jose F Reis P NevesPOR0