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Syrian Final for women 2020

Senast uppdaterad25.01.2021 12:40:51, Creator/Last Upload: Syrian Chess Federation

Lista över spelare

9Ahmad Murad Fatema Alzahraa.7602103SYR0
2WIMAlgildah Nibal7600950SYR0
10Alsankari Rana.7611234SYR0
4Alshehawi Reda7607920SYR0
6Bofroud Naya.7611293SYR0
3Khalil Manar7604661SYR0
7WFMMahmoud Roula7601263SYR0
1Mohamad Ilewi Asmaa.7611285SYR0
8Ola Bilal7606559SYR0
5Wakkaf Mais.7611307SYR0