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Syrian Final for women 2020

Last update 25.01.2021 12:40:51, Creator/Last Upload: Syrian Chess Federation

Starting rank list of players

9Ahmad Murad Fatema Alzahraa.7602103SYR0
2WIMAlgildah Nibal7600950SYR0
10Alsankari Rana.7611234SYR0
4Alshehawi Reda7607920SYR0
6Bofroud Naya.7611293SYR0
3Khalil Manar7604661SYR0
7WFMMahmoud Roula7601263SYR0
1Mohamad Ilewi Asmaa.7611285SYR0
8Ola Bilal7606559SYR0
5Wakkaf Mais.7611307SYR0