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Ethiopian Chritsmas

Last update 28.01.2021 05:59:49, Creator/Last Upload: Dejen

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Starting rank

1Tilahun Abel Mathewos15702391ETH1947
2Berihe Adem Tofiq15701107ETH1804
3Moges Flower Haftu15701662ETH1766
4Woldeselasie Ermias Teklemariam15704025ETH1760
5Gebremariam Tewolde Gebreamlak15704203ETH1672
6Nurye Haimanot Asefa15704262ETH1576
7Bantiwalu Aster Melake15702081ETH1353
8Abduselam Ibrahim Murad15708225ETH0
9Berhe Aleshign Beyadglign15707750ETH0
10Berka Kalkidan Ashenafi15708241ETH0
11Ismael Adil Fethi15708195ETH0
12Ismael Muluka Fethi15708209ETH0
13Soressa Zelalem Masresha15708233ETH0
14Tadesse Biruk Tekalign15701077ETH0
15Tarekegn Mehari Getaneh15706613ETH0
16Worku Abeselom Gobeze15704513ETH0
17Yitagesu Daniel Abebayehu15708217ETH0