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Cerrado Aficionados 7 febrero -code 255849 -

Last update 15.02.2021 14:48:26, Creator/Last Upload: Manuel Navarro Perez

Starting rank list of players

8Vives Cabau Jordi2213850ESP18211988Badalona C.E.
7AIMGallego Montes Antoni2260883ESP17882054Cornella C.E.
9Costa Trave Jaume2221632ESP17171939Granollers-Canovelles
10Montero Domenech Felix32006535ESP17001935Agusti, Centre D'esport
2Flores Munoz Daniel2269341ESP16351886Granollers-Canovelles
6Abdelkader Garstka Adam32051697ESP16140Baleares
4Valbuena Castro Gregorio2271516ESP15751799Jake C.E.
1Paez Nunez David32046960ESP15471794Torreblanca C.E.
3Febrero Perez Lluis2281627ESP13961670Comtal C.E.
5Casado Hamed Sergi54725909ESP13411646Barcelona, Club Escacs