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IRT Invitacional Liga Risaraldense de Ajedrez 2021 Sub2000 C

Last update 24.01.2021 23:23:52, Creator/Last Upload: Liga Caldense de Ajedrez

Starting rank list of players

1Viera Jeffren2005450USA1969
2Gonzalez Luis Enrique3906493VEN1872
3Velasquez Andres4425669COL1849
4Castano Orrego Simon4446771COL1779
5Rodriguez Valencia Sebastian4438213COL1771
6Montoya Molina Juan Esteban4462025COL1731
7Hernandez Bermudez Manuela4483103COL1701
8Soto Ramirez Andres Camilo4466209COL1195
9Abreu Williams3931501VEN0
10Vega Navascues Carlos Andres4488083COL0