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IRT Invitacional Liga Risaraldense de Ajedrez 2021 Elo 2000 a 2300 A

Last update 24.01.2021 23:59:44, Creator/Last Upload: Liga Caldense de Ajedrez

Starting rank list of players

1IMZuluaga Cesar4401492COL2267
2FMMalka Samuel20643675FRA2225
3FMGallego Julian Andres4441192COL2182
4Balza Rodriguez Oswaldo de Jesus3902986VEN2131
5Quiros Juan Pablo4444841COL2050
7Abreu Peyegrin Douglas Jose3931510VEN2031
8CMBuitrago Juan Carlos4401530COL2029
9Barreto Bastidas Jose Angel3904644VEN2013
6Cadavid Juan Miguel4418930COL2008
10CMArdila Oscar Humberto4404742COL2003