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AUTch-online Rapid U16 girls

Last update 13.12.2020 19:24:49, Creator/Last Upload: ÖSB-Turniere

Starting rank list of players

1Vicze Zsofia1233261794wBgldSv Pamhagen
7Stadlinger Lea1299561627wWienSc Donaustadt
3Hiebner Carina1257171536wSv Wolkersdorf
4Egger Stefanie1365251483wSk Gloggnitz
2Mostoegl Chiara Marika1251751454wKntSchachmaty Ruden
8Mandzhieva Altana1290581326wWienTschaturanga
5Jeitler Selina1365241248wSk Gloggnitz
6Fabian Kerstin1333601226wStmkSt. Martin I. S.