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Open Snim Decembre 2020

Ostatnia aktualizacja strony01.01.2021 03:05:42, Creator/Last Upload: Fédération Mauritanienne des échecs

Sortowanie zawodników wg Elo

4Ethmane Med Lemine19600178MTN1692
8Taleb Ahd Jidou Khlifa19600836MTN1673
6Mohamed Salem Ghailani19600844MTN1647
7Sid Ahmed Elmahmoud19600631MTN1574
1Abdallahi Ould Ahmed19601000MTN0
10Ahmedou Lebchir19603824MTN0
2Dedah Zidbih Mamady19602324MTN0
3Emema Menkouss19602014MTN0
9Mohamed Ahmed19603819MTN0
5Mohamed Ould Sidi19600992MTN0