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Campeonato Nacional de Mayores ABSOLUTO Final Presencial 2020

Last update 08.12.2020 17:38:20, Creator/Last Upload: Liga Caldense de Ajedrez

Starting rank list of players

10GMRuiz Castillo Joshua Daniel4400704COL25012501Talentos
2GMRios Cristhian Camilo4403940COL24642464Gm Alder Escobar
9GMBarrientos Sergio E4401824COL24632463Gm Alder Escobar
3GMArenas David4403177COL24522452Envigado
7IMSanchez Sebastian Felipe4403304COL24312431Talentos
6IMValderrama Quiceno Esteban Alberto4442024COL24242424Talentos
1IMAvila Pavas Santiago4437128COL23992399Botvinnik Palmira
5IMPanesso Rivera Henry4402707COL23552355Los Titanes
12FMBecerra Juan David4404998COL23512351
8FMSoto Miguel Angel4427467COL22912291Proantioquia
11FMLozano Ramirez Nestor Favian4412672COL22342234Torres Del Zipa
4FMQuinones Garcia Santiago4408497COL22332233