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Israeli Women's Championship 2021

Darrera actualització15.03.2021 16:26:53, Creador: Israel Chess Federation (Licence 50),Darrera càrrega: Israel Chess Federation (Licence 12)

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Rànquing inicial

1IMShvayger Yuliya14100126ISR2327
2WFMKatkov Michelle2816393ISR2078
3WCMLevitan Ronit2815109ISR2048
4Federovski Adi2813777ISR1995
5Haitovich Avital2800306ISR1981
6Reprun Nadejda2806843ISR1968
7Vardi Shlomit2801442ISR1901
8Lian Marina2809680ISR1870
9WCMGadasi Noam2820234ISR1781
10WFMAleksandrov Aleksandra4144198ISR1769
11Shaul Seidner Liad2821575ISR1687
12Golovchanskaya Alina4176677ISR1681
13Orian Noga2836475ISR1658
14Kochavi Dana2837137ISR1572