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Closed GM Tournament Ramat Gan 2020

Last update 04.12.2020 22:01:44, Creator: Israel Chess Federation (Licence 114),Last Upload: Israel Chess Federation (Licence 12)

Starting rank list of players

10GMMikhalevski Victor2801914ISR2560
9GMFlom Gabriel621650FRA2499
4GMDvoirys Semen I.4100379RUS2480
1IMBronstein Or2815770ISR2427
5IMParkhov Yair2813408ISR2411
8GMBykhovsky Avigdor4101057RUS2400
2FMRozen Eytan2816750ISR2397
7FMGorshtein Ido2815532ISR2372
3FMKupervaser Erez2814587ISR2364
6IMNedobora Mikhail14101122UKR2351