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The list of prize-winners is available at the Witney CC homepage.

1st Witney Online Congress Intermediate

Darrera actualització09.11.2020 17:52:43, Creador/Darrera càrrega: 4NCL

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Rànquing inicial

1Parsons RobertENG1743
2Blackwell DavidENG1720
3Chetverikov Ivan458554ENG1720
4Egan William J437220ENG1668
5Grice Alec453250ENG1668
6Wootton Stephen G458708ENG1638
7Constable Christine F415847ENG1615
8Ellinger William450502ENG1608
9Randall GrantENG1593
10Beneat Frederick449172ENG1578
11Rich AaronENG1578
12Richards Maurice AENG1578
13Lappin Kieran A489816ENG1570
14Bamford Paul449032ENG1563
15Fancourt Leslie J454370ENG1563
16Madden Jason D426741ENG1555
17Gogia Abeer480444ENG1533
18Peach Clifford BENG1525
19Siddle MichaelENG1525
20Li Reya486892ENG1503
21Upton W E (Bill)433314ENG1503
22Wilkinson Kevin16278739GER1392
23Santhosh Alwis Joe488860ENG1248
24Wang YileENG1083