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1st Witney Online Congress Minor

Darrera actualització09.11.2020 17:53:08, Creador/Darrera càrrega: 4NCL

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Rànquing inicial

1Shaughnessy Phillip J431966ENG1480
2Matilal Tamal K436259ENG1473
3Vaidyanathan Adithya495450ENG1465
4Buxton Richard481270ENG1458
5Tatam Anthony429473ENG1450
6Goldsmith Jennifer431001ENG1435
7Tokar Kyrylo465860ENG1420
8Badhe AbhishekIND1405
9Gregory Gerald488283ENG1405
10Rao Shree465950ENG1398
11Vernon Colin G434418ENG1392
12Walsh Shaun456519ENG1390
13Ezra RaymondENG1388
14Zhu PengxiaoENG1375
15Magidor-Sternberg UriENG1368
16Meredith DanielENG1368
17Hylands Keith A486795ENG1360
18Gardner Alan RENG1345
19Upton Robert RENG1330
20Kumar Satyam490377ENG1300
21Russo Giovanni480886ENG1293
22Tekniepe T KlausENG1293
23Donoghue SteveENG1285
24Badacsonyi Stanley486973ENG1263
25Neri Marco478040ENG1263
26Rathnaiah Mohanbabu496260ENG1263
27Babu Rohan496200ENG1255
28Webb TomENG1255
29Bleeg ElliottENG1210
30Rosselli Lucas478806ENG1210
31Russell LloydENG1195
32Yao RianENG1158
33Vaidyanathan Sathya490539ENG1128
34Vitvitska VasylynaENG1112
35Mcbride Timothy480479ENG1083
36Saha SoumilENG1053
37Patel Diah DipalENG903
38Rivera Machens RafaelENG865
39Yang LucasENG708
40Chan DedrickSIN0
41Cinaroglu Suleyman SelimTUR0
42Harrison KianENG0
43Miller JonathanENG0
44Pradhan AyanENG0
45Simon LoganENG0
46Tomkys TonyENG0
47Tran Minh Hieu12427071VIE0