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Timor Leste Rating 3

Last update 11.10.2020 09:38:59, Creator/Last Upload: Federacao Xadrez de Timor Leste

Starting rank list of players

5De Araujo Helder31900828TLS1765
1Fernandes Tomas31900097TLS1703
4Lopes Jose Alarico Santos31900658TLS1701
9Martins Cecilia E. Da Silva A.31901409TLS1342
8Amaral Osorio Soares31901999TLS0
7Da Conceicao Marcos31901336TLS0
6Da Silva Joaquim Soares31900127TLS0
3Da Silva Miguel Arcanjo31901964TLS0
2De Sousa Jose Luis31901131TLS0
10Pinto Joao Maria31901140TLS0