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Timor Leste Rating 2

Last update 11.10.2020 09:39:07, Creator/Last Upload: Federacao Xadrez de Timor Leste

Starting rank list of players

6Da Silva Sonizia A.Tilman31900593TLS1548
2Viegas Tilman Zezinho M.T31900607TLS1517
4Viegas Rivanho31901484TLS1378
9Americo Fretelina Viegas31901360TLS1192
5Aleixo Victor Da Costa31902200TLS0
8Amaral Jemito De Jesus31900739TLS0
1Da Silva Blanjeldinho A. V. Tilman31900925TLS0
3Da Silva Luis31901670TLS0
7Fernandes Jofino31901506TLS0
10Guterres Cosme31902502TLS0