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Timor Leste Rating 1

Last update 11.10.2020 09:39:17, Creator/Last Upload: Federacao Xadrez de Timor Leste

Starting rank list of players

4Fatima Jose31900348TLS1675
9De Carvalho Paulo Fernandes31900259TLS1594
7Tilman Hermenegildo R. T. Viegas31901620TLS1580
6Americo Joao31900356TLS1438
1Da Silva Martinho31902030TLS0
3Perreira Simao Cardoso31901220TLS0
2Soares Celino31900690TLS0
8Soares Filipe31900321TLS0
10Tilman Davidson Tolentino Viegas31900755TLS0
5Tilman Mario Viegas31900070TLS0