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NCA Individual Online U2000

Darrera actualització25.03.2021 08:03:39, Creador/Darrera càrrega: Lara Barnes IA

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Rànquing inicial

1Riding Mick1179371960BFCLifer
2Bielby Paul1067171922Petrean
3Turner James2462301912Cameron_Conn
4Skelsey Stuart1190851881stusk
5Eastlake Phil1033331838Jasper57
6Carmichael Ned3117121792n_c
7Clarke John1046971780John_Clarke
8McKay Mark1928331768Harryneedsapush
9Marsh John1149451758Wobblyknight1948
10Mohindra Raj1156591744binliner1
11Horton John1043041735tigereye37
12Czestochowski Eddie2965531681rededczski