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XIV Obert d'Estiu La Lira 2011 - Grup C

Last update 01.08.2011 02:56:59, Creator/Last Upload: Frederic Corriguelas Armillas

Starting rank list of players

6Cort Hidalgo Jordi1785Tres Peons
3Nadal Fajardo Ricard1775Escola d'Escacs
5Fontela Hidalgo Victor1770Ideal Clavé
7Garcia Extremera Manuel1762La Lira
9Custodio Criado Jofre1741Peona i Peó
2Jove Barroso Arnau1727Montcada
1Camprubi Guijarro Albert1700U.G.A.
4Castellon Baeza Jose Felipe1700U.G.A.
10Manrique Garcia Sara1700Ideal Clavé
8Millanes Garcia Merce1700Centre Aragonés