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GMT Banicky kahanec 2020

Last update 14.10.2020 12:35:45, Creator/Last Upload: Slovak Chess Federation license 3

Starting rank list of players

5GMBASSO Pier Luigi866970ITA2570
7GMSHENGELIA David13601270AUT2544
2IMGAZIK Viktor14928752SVK2541
10GMPECHAC Jergus14926970SVK2512
3IMBLOHBERGER Felix1632051AUT2467
8FMSAHIDI Samir14936372SVK2404
9FMLEISCH Lukas1632094AUT2394
1FMMORGUNOV Marc1640305AUT2374
6FMMOTUZ Karol14902621SVK2344
4BRHEL Jan14913070SVK2018