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Copa dos Inconfidentes Circuito LRX (Bicas/MG)

Last update 01.11.2020 13:32:46, Creator/Last Upload: Liga Regional de Xadrez-LRX-Mata-Vertent

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Starting rank list

1NMLage Pedro Ferreira2154269BRA2055
2WIMIchimura G. Barbosa Larissa Y.2126753BRA1996
3Cardoso Marcio De Lucca2161362BRA1888
4NMDe Freitas Isabella Ribeiro Conti2173328BRA1792
5Sampaio Andre Luiz2132800BRA1718
6Simas Breno Matos2188295BRA1694
7De Freitas Leandro Henrique Con2189747BRA1628
8Nobre Jose Adalberto Barbosa2113350BRA1622
9Nobre Jailson Altair Barbosa2113279BRA1615
10NMDe Sousa E Silva Luis Gonzaga2177935BRA1266
11Marocco Gabriel Leao Quadros22750630BRA1208
12Quadros Margaret Leao22759328BRA1629