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U.A.E Chess Championship 2011 Men

Last update 25.07.2011 19:05:45, Creator/Last Upload: Khoori3

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Starting rank list

1GMSalem A R SalehUAE2511
2IMHassan AbdullahUAE2398
3FMAlhuwar JasemUAE2334
4Faisal AbdullaUAE2275
5FMKhouri Ibrahim MohamedUAE2227
6FMSaeed IshaqUAE2224
7Ali MahmoudUAE2102
8Saud MohamedUAE2087
9Ali AbdulkhaleqUAE2072
10FMKhouri Ahmed AbbasUAE2030
11Fahed AhmadUAE2012
12Al-Marzouqi Abdulla MUAE1990
13Zayed Ali Al-HamedUAE1968
14Mansour AbbasUAE1953
15Al-Kaabi AbdullaUAE1904
16Abdullah Al HamedUAE1840
17CMSaleh NaifUAE1826
18Issa MohammedUAE1816
19Esa A H AlmarazeeqUAE1786
20Abdulla Al-Hamed U16UAE1785
21Walid AnwarUAE1775
22Murad AbdullaUAE1720
23Abdulla Ali U16UAE1669
24Mahmoud AhmedUAE1576
25Abdulaziz AbdullaUAE1564
26Majed Khalfan Al MarzoqiUAE0
27Mansour Mohamed KhooriUAE0
28Mohamed Rashid Al hafityUAE0
29Obaid Rashid Al hafityUAE0